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FAQ #2: If it’s simple, DIY Jul 09
Q: Do I NEED a travel professional?
If it’s simple, DIY – Do It Yourself. If it’s complicated, consult an expert.
 You can & should make simple arrangements yourself. For example, Southwest Airlines remains very user-friendly for domestic air travel. Nevertheless,  I still advise my clients on ways to get the most convenient and most cost-effective flights on their direct internet bookings.
 For more complex itineraries, I recommend that you consult an experienced professional who works with these types of details on a daily basis,  someone who has “been there, done that” many times and has sent people to the destination. They can assure that you have the correct products at the best prices, save you time and money plus provide support or follow-up, if necessary.

International Date Line, island of Taveuni, Fiji

Your vacation time and money are valuable commodities, make the most of them!

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